Thursday, February 26, 2009

I hope this guy's wife loves him..

Schultheis: HIV testing for pregnant moms rewards ‘sexual promiscuity’

OK, can you think of anything more repellent than the idea that innocent babies, that had no part in the decision-making process of their conception, who live in these modern times during which we not only can determine if they are infected with a deadly disease, but can take definitive steps to prevent the transmission (in most, but not all) cases, should not be given any of these opportunities because their moms either had the disease or fucked a guy had relations with a gentleman that had the disease and were not tested for it.

Was mom acting irresponsibly? That's not entirely clear. We can't really overlay our value set over every situation and expect to have every circumstance make crystal-clear sense to us, we have to weigh every situation based on it's merits, but even in the worst-case scenario, where we can clearly establish a pattern of destructive behavior, why do we want to exact a life sentence of suffering on a baby/child/adolescent/adult?

Ask Sen. Dave Schultheis.
email dave
call Dave: (719) 532-0546

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The death of Tuesday

There seems to be a plot to do away with Tuesday, or at least to make it less enjoyable.
First comes word that The Detroit News and Detroit Free Press will eliminate home delivery on Tuesdays (and Mondays and Wednesdays and Saturdays!). This after The Daily Tribune (Royal Oak, MI) had eliminated Monday and Tuesday editions entirely (they never had a Saturday edition).

Now we hear that the post office is considering going to five-day delivery and what day will they eliminate? Why Tuesday of course!

Well at least the Oakland Press carrier will still come to my house on Tuesday.
Or will she?