Saturday, February 21, 2009

My favorite song is playing on Pandora

If you click on the link above you will get to my own personal radio station:
"My happy listen hard not distracted"

Features Of This Song:
mellow rock instrumentation
country influences
a subtle use of vocal harmony
acoustic rhythm piano
mixed acoustic and electric instrumentation
a vocal-centric aesthetic
major key tonality
an electric guitar solo
prominent organ
acoustic rhythm guitars
offensive lyrics

Any idea what song that it is?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

If you care...

The cover photo is my driveway after a hailstorm.
Kinda late springish.
I can't wait, I am so tired of this nasty winter. It was butt-cold today! (I have no idea the origin of that phrase, but it seems to describe the situation perfectly.)


Hi, I'm just starting out my new blog, and if you have stumbled across it, thank you and you must have a lot of time on your hands.
We have so much in common then.
Check back and I will blather on about stuff and probably will be profound 20% of the time but it will be random.
Or will it?